HBO "the Wire" - Google News Feed

Sunday, October 15, 2006

HBO's best show ever, the Wire

I just wanted to make a page with links to the Wire. Here's a few:

1. Wikipedia entry on the Wire

2. D.C. lifer George Pelecanos writes about murder, drug feuds, riots, dog-fighting—and also a little violence (Pelecanos is a Wire writer)

3. More with Pelecanos and more about the Wire

4. HBO's Official the Wire site

5. Salon primer on the Wire for newbies

6. Baltimore City Paper's review of the 4th season of the Wire

7. Baltimore City Paper's coverage of the Wire as a whole is so awesome, here's a complete list of links via google. I'm sure you can find something good here.

I'll be adding more as I find them.


SPORTS SHORTS - Original Videos from Pete Handelman said...

Hey WIRE fans - check out my 2-part homage/parody of the Wire at

Frederico said...

Here's a link to add. Good article (academic) on The Wire:

Maladjusted said...

Andrew, I hope you don't mind me mentioning my own recent review essay on the greatest show ever made:

(Note that this post, for all its extravagance is only, limited to Seasons One to Three). Also contains inevitable gushing about Omar...

Maladjusted said...
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